June 13, 1944: The paratroopers of E-Company, 506th P.I.R., have never seen a fight like this one. When the 101st Airborne set out that morning to clear the Germans from around Carentan, they unknowingly advanced into a massive enemy counterattack. Tanks, Panzergrenadiers, and Fallschirmjägers hit the American lines in waves. Easy’s left flank folded. Elite American troops were on the verge of routing and the enemy was within a quarter-mile of Carentan. That’s when Lt. Richard Winters went from man to man, urging Easy to “pour it on.” Now, their fortitude is rewarded. Sherman tanks roll forward with infantry on their heels. The 2nd Armored Division is here; Easy Company held just long enough. “The Battle of Bloody Gulch” will conclude swiftly and Winters will point to this day as Easy’s finest hour. 
Want to know "who" signed which print edition? Click the EDITIONS tab above.
Shipping added at checkout // print sizes: 32" x 22" (Main Edition) or 31" x 19" (Publisher Proof) // ships rolled in a tube
200 limited-edition prints, includes the autographs of four WWII heroes who fought in Normandy. On separate signature cards, perfect to frame under the print, are Band of Brothers heroes Don Malarkey and Buck Compton, both of whom fought at "Bloody Gulch." Signing on the print are 101st Airborne paratrooper Michael Camasso (was at "Bloody Gulch") and "Spearhead" armored infantryman Ray Meyer (H/36th). Includes patches representing the units depicted, a piece of parachute recovered in Normandy, and a Certificate of Authenticity signed by artist Larry Selman.
PUBLISHER PROOFS - Resale, in mint-condition!
120 limited-edition prints including the autographs of 18 WWII heroes! From the 101st Airborne who fought at Carentan: Don Malarkey and Buck Compton (signature cards), on the print are Earl McClung, Ed Tipper, Brad Freeman, Clancy Lyall, Bob Noody, and Dan McBride. From their "brothers in arms" in the 82nd: Les Cruise, Don Jakeway, Richard Rohleder, and Fred Morgan. From the tankers & armored infantry who battled through the Normandy hedgerows: George Smilanich (2nd AD), Walter Stitt (3rd AD), and Ray Meyer (3rd AD). Plus three more distinguished signers! Includes patches, a piece of parachute recovered in Normandy, and a COA signed by Larry Selman.
50 limited-edition prints
Just 5 limited-edition prints including the autographs of Dick Winters (on sig card) and 16 WWII heroes! Includes mini-medals and a COA signed by Larry Selman.
Signer Proofs and Artist Proofs exist for veterans, helpers, and the artist’s use.
Thanks to Joe Muccia & Paul Woodadge (WW2TV) for their guidance with this project.
"Bloody Gulch" is hand-signed by a collection of WWII airborne & armor heroes! Signers vary print by print. Click the "EDITIONS" tab to see who signed which prints.
Michael Camasso
HQ Company, 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne. Jumped on D-Day at age 18. Fought at Carentan, jumped into Holland for Market Garden, held the line during the siege of Bastogne, and helped take Berchtesgaden.
Buck Compton (signature card)
Easy Company (506th PIR, 101st Airborne), officer, veteran of D-Day and the battle of Carentan, Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, Silver Star, author of "Call of Duty."
Les Cruise
H-Company, 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne. Jumped on D-Day and fought in Ste. Mere Eglise. Seriously wounded during the Battle of the Bulge. Subject of the short film "All American," viewable on YouTube.
Brad Freeman
Easy Company (506th PIR, 101st Airborne), veteran of D-Day and the battle of Carentan, Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, wounded in attack on Foy. Part of the 2nd Platoon's mortar squad under Don Malarkey & Bill Guarnere.
Babe Heffron
Arrived in England at time of D-Day, assigned to Easy Company (506th PIR, 101st Airborne) shortly after Normandy. Jumped on Market Garden and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Co-author of "Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends."
Don Jakeway
H-Company (508th PIR, 82nd Airborne), landed near Ste. Mere Eglise on D-Day, fought in Market Garden until wounded by artillery. Returned for the Battle of the Bulge where he was shot through the lung by a sniper.
Clancy Lyall
Easy Company (506th PIR, 101st Abn.), D-Day, Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, wounded three times including being bayonetted at Carentan. Featured in David Webster's book "Parachute Infantry" & subject of the book "Silver Eagle."
Don Malarkey (signature card)
Easy Company (506th PIR, 101st Airborne), veteran of D-Day and the battle of Carentan, Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, Bronze Star w/Oak Leaf Cluster, Author of "Easy Company Soldier."
Al Mampre
101st medic, "Toccoa" man, helped prep paratroopers for D-Day. Joined Easy Company (506th PIR) for Market Garden & Battle of the Bulge. Saved the life of Lt. Brewer, shot by a sniper. The same sniper would wound Al.
Dan McBride
F-Company, 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne. Jumped into Normandy on D-Day. Earned three purple hearts: shot in the arm during the fighting in Carentan, wounded by a mortar in Holland and hit by shrapnel in the Bulge.
Earl McClung
Easy Company (506th PIR, 101st Airborne), veteran of D-Day and the battle of Carentan, Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge & beyond. 3rd Platoon's First Scout & the first American to reach the Eagle's Nest.
Ray Meyer
H-Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment "Blitz Dough", 3rd Armored Division. Landed in Normandy soon after D-Day and fought at Villiers Fossard and beyond. Participated in the fighting at Mons, Belgium, pierced the Siegfried Line, fought in the Bulge, and helped capture Cologne. Awarded the Silver Star.
Fred Morgan
HQ, 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne. Made all four jumps with the 82nd during WWII despite having vertigo as a kid! Treated wounded during the battle of La Fiere bridge.
Bob Noody
F-Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. Jumped on D-Day. Destroyed a tank with his bazooka during the fighting at Carentan where he was wounded. Later fought in Holland and the Bulge, where he was wounded again, this time at Foy.
George Smilanich
E-Company, 67th AR, 2nd AD. Sherman driver from North Africa, through Sicily, into Normandy where he fought at Carentan and to the Elbe river. Awarded the Bronze Star for pulling his commander from their burning Sherman. Consulted on "FURY" making the famous comment, "Who the hell is Brad Pitt?"
Walter Stitt
E-Company, 33rd AR, 3rd AD. As a Sherman gunner, Walt fought in Normandy including the battle for Saint-Lô and Operation Cobra. In the Bulge, his third Sherman was knocked out and he was evacuated to England to recover from his wounds. Once healed, he was assigned to the 95th BG as a B-17 bomb loader.
Ed Tipper
Easy Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne. Bazooka man, jumped on D-Day. Heavily wounded by a mortar during the battle for Carentan.
Fred Trenck
C-47 pilot, 301st Squadron of the 441st Troop Carrier Group. On the D-Day drop, Fred piloted his C-47 "Pee Wee" and earned the admiration of the 101st Airborne paratroopers he was carrying for giving them a smooth drop.
Les Underwood
D-Company, 33rd AR, 3rd AD. As a gunner aboard a Sherman tank, Les fought in Normandy including the battle for Saint-Lô and Operation Cobra. In the Bulge, Les' Sherman was knocked out by a Panther. He would later become a Pershing tank commander and help liberate Nordhausen.